How to apply for physical card for P card
1. Log in to the Payoneer official website to enter the account backstage, and click to order the card; 2. Enter the P card page of the order entity, and you can choose the currency type; 3. The default mailing address is the address you filled in for the P card registration; 4. Submit after completing the information. Waiting for review; 5. After receiving the P card, click Activate.
1. Log in to Payoneer official website to enter the account background, click to order card or order Payoneer Prepaid Mastercard
2. Enter the physical P card order page, you can choose the currency type. Currently, USD, EUR, GBP, JPY accounts are supported, and USD is usually selected here.
3. The default shipping address is the address you filled in before registering the P card. If there is a difference, you can check and enter the replacement shipping address to update, and then you will be asked to enter the shipping address in the local language at the bottom, and you must remember to fill in the real address here. Information, in addition, a special reminder that a phone number must be attached to the address, because usually Payoneer will choose to send it by registered mail from abroad. If there is no phone, the loss rate is very high.
4. Submit the information after completing the information. The review time is usually 3 working days. After the review is passed, Payoneer will send an email to inform you that the Payoneer Prepaid Mastercard® has been mailed to the address you provided by registered mail, and the tracking number is provided for inquiries. With the information provided by Payoneer customer service, we can usually receive the physical card within 2-3 weeks.
Important note: pay attention to the information of the courier tracking number in time, because even if you leave the phone information, the postal staff may not call you after the P card arrives. Usually, the P card will be returned to the foreign country if no one claims it within 3 days. Sometimes you have to report the loss and apply again, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Therefore, contact Payoneer customer service and post office (based on the courier number) within 15-20 days after receiving the mail from the card to confirm the logistics status. PS: The estimated time of arrival provided by the Payoneer backend is inaccurate. Experience has shown that the actual time of receipt of the card will be much earlier.
5. After receiving the P card, enter the Payoneer backstage, select the USD physical card, and click Activate
6. After successfully activating the P card, the balance of the virtual card account will be automatically synchronized to the physical card within one day, and the 29.95 USD card management fee of the physical P card will also be deducted regularly.
1、登錄Payoneer官網進入賬戶後台,點擊訂購卡或者訂購Payoneer派安盈Prepaid Mastercard
3、默認寄送地址為你之前註冊P卡填寫的地址,如果有不同,可以勾選輸入替換配送地址進行更新,然後最下方會讓你以當地語言輸入配送地址,這裏一定記得填寫真實的地址信息,另外特別提醒,地址後面 一定附帶上電話,因為通常Payoneer會選擇從國外以掛號信的方式寄送,如果沒有電話的話丟件率非常高。
4、完成信息後提交,通常審核時間為3個工作日,審核通過後,Payoneer會發郵件告知你派安盈 Prepaid Mastercard®已通過掛號郵寄到你提供的地址,並提供單號供查詢,根據Payoneer客服提供的信息,通常2-3周時間我們可以收到實體卡。
6、成功激活P卡後,虛擬卡賬戶余額會在一天內自動同步到實體卡中,同時實體P卡的29.95 USD卡片管理費也會定期扣除掉。
1、登录Payoneer官网进入账户后台,点击订购卡或者订购Payoneer派安盈Prepaid Mastercard
3、默认寄送地址为你之前注册P卡填写的地址,如果有不同,可以勾选输入替换配送地址进行更新,然后最下方会让你以当地语言输入配送地址,这里一定记得填写真实的地址信息,另外特别提醒,地址后面 一定附带上电话,因为通常Payoneer会选择从国外以挂号信的方式寄送,如果没有电话的话丢件率非常高。
4、完成信息后提交,通常审核时间为3个工作日,审核通过后,Payoneer会发邮件告知你派安盈 Prepaid Mastercard®已通过挂号邮寄到你提供的地址,并提供单号供查询,根据Payoneer客服提供的信息,通常2-3周时间我们可以收到实体卡。
6、成功激活P卡后,虚拟卡账户余额会在一天内自动同步到实体卡中,同时实体P卡的29.95 USD卡片管理费也会定期扣除掉。
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