[US] Our Unwinding Ethos Our Unwinding Ethos (Chinese: 十二傳說; lit. Twelve Legends) is an 2019 urban legend drama series produced by TVB. The story follows twelve well-known urban legends in Hong Kong. The series stars Edwin Siu, Rosina Lam, Jonathan Cheung and Moon Lau. It is produced by Wong Wai Sing and edited by Li Qianyi. It aired on TVB Jade from June 15, 2019 to August 16, 2019. First overseas premiere on Astro (television) between July 15 and August 16, 2019. The series tied in with the Ghost Festival (Yulan) in July. The series was featured at the Hong Kong International Film and Television Fair (2018) and the TVB Amazing Summer (2019). [TW] 十二傳說 《十二傳說》(英語:Our Unwinding Ethos)是香港電視廣播有限公司拍攝製作以都市傳說為題之時裝懸疑電視劇,由蕭正楠及林夏薇領銜主演,並由張頴康、劉佩玥、林子善、歐瑞偉、蔣家旻及林秀怡聯合演出,編審黎倩儀,監製黃偉聲。 此劇為2018年香港國際影視展17部推介劇集之一,亦為2019年TVB Amazing Summer推介劇集之一,並與優酷同步播放。 簡介 首播日期: 2019.07.15 都市傳說疑幻疑真,牽引過去與未來。民俗學教授潘朵拉(林夏薇)考察新娘潭傳說時遇上當地鬧鬼,她發現是有人利用傳說犯案,跟記者傅子博(蕭正楠)查明真相,揭開準新娘黃玉(劉佩玥)不為人知的身世。朵拉恩師失蹤七年,其子竟是子博,二人決定完成其未完成的論文《香港都會傳說》,考察...