[US] Oh My Grad (2017) Education is not about grades, teaching is not just taking attendance and grading papers. Born to a family of educators, school principal Roger Kwok is full of passion for education, but loses his job when the school is closed down. He winds up returning to the rundown college that his parents had established, beginning a new chapter of his educational career. He encounters all types of students, along with a difficult-to-handle tiger mom Ada Choi, making the college's final year both splendid and plagued with misfortunes. [TW] 《老表,畢業喇!》(英語:Oh My Grad),香港電視廣播有限公司拍攝製作的喜劇電視劇,由郭晉安、蔡少芬及王祖藍領銜主演,並由蔡瀚億、岑麗香、林盛斌、呂慧儀、張繼聰、林欣彤、鄭欣宜、羅蘭、胡楓、湯盈盈、蔣志光及韋綺姍聯合主演,監製黃偉聲。 此劇為《老表,你好嘢!》及《老表,你好hea!》的姊妹作,但故事以香港教育制度為背景,跟前作內容沒有太大關聯。此劇實際上與《老表,你好嘢!》與《老表,你好hea!》中,王祖藍分別飾演的蔡芯與尤田有關係。 此劇為2017無綫節目巡禮14部劇集之一、無綫海外業務及簡介2017所推介的17部劇集之一、2017香港國際影視展16部推介劇集之一,亦為無綫電視50週年4部台慶劇之一。 [Cantonese] 《老表,畢業喇!》(英文:Oh My Grad)係香港電視廣播有限公司製作嘅電視劇,由郭晉安、蔡少芬同王祖藍演出。